The #1 Way to Convert Your Funeral Home Website Visitors into Buyers

Video Funeral Website


Did you know that website visitors are four times more likely to pay attention to your content when it’s presented in the form of video rather than simply reading it?

Obviously, no website can just contain video. However, when sprinkled strategically into your funeral home website, videos can be a marketing powerhouse. How? Well, that same Forrester study found that adding a video to your website makes your site six times more likely to convert a casual “browser” into a paying client.

With that in mind, here are 4 reasons why video turns your funeral firm’s website visitors into paying customers:

  1. Video keeps visitors on your website longer

Whether we like it or not, we live in an entertainment obsessed society. And when it comes down to it, video is more entertaining than even the most inspiring website content. According to Comscore, website visitors who watch videos stay two minutes longer on a site than the average user. Because you’re keeping visitors on your website longer, they’ll be 64% more likely to purchase.

Schoedinger Funeral Service and Cremation is a great example of the power of video on funeral home websites. They engage their families by showing them the meaning and value of their services rather than just telling. Their interactive approach to showcasing their offerings keeps families engaged and on their website longer.

  1. Seeing is believing

Ever heard the expression “show, don’t tell”? This holds true for effectively marketing your funeral home. It’s hard to sell a product that your funeral firm offers if visitors can’t physically see it. While photos are helpful, video can really drive your unique selling points home.

Studies show that visitors who view product videos are 85% more likely to buy than visitors who do not. Video gives your funeral firm an opportunity to showcase your products and services in the most engaging way possible.

  1. The more you tell, the more you sell

Video can pack a lot of punch when it comes to content. Your funeral firm has the ability to show more with less. For example, if you want to sell a potential prospect on the value of a services, wouldn’t it be far more effective to show them a memorable video rather than having them read text?

Here’s an example of a successful video that Schoedinger Funerals and Cremation used to demonstrate the importance of a service:


The video below is a great example of showing both the problem and the solution with much positive imagery along the way:

  1. Boost your visibility and search engine ranking

Have you searched for something on Google recently?  I’m going to take a wild guess and yes the answer is yes. You may have noticed that relevant videos related to your search terms are now featured on the first page of results. Your funeral firm’s website is fifty times more likely to be ranked on the first page of Google results if it contains video.

That’s because Google’s algorithm for their search engine pays special attention to “blended results” – which means that Google will rank video and images higher to produce these blended results.

By incorporating video into your website, you’re opening up more opportunities for your funeral firm to be found online, and, in turn, bring more families through your doors.

Want to learn more about the power of video?

Check out our 4-part series on the value of video:


To learn more about  funeralOne’s website platform, click here or call 1-800-798-2575.

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  8. Geena Powell

    We want to learn more about the video and how to show the importance of a service, like the example I watched.