Funeral Marketing: What Is A Tweet & Why Do I Care?

An Introduction to Popular Social Media Terms By now, it should be pretty obvious to you that social media isn’t like the latest fashion trend—here today, gone tomorrow—it’s here to stay. However, before you can even begin to consider implementing a social media strategy for your funeral home, you need to learn how to talk […]

Monthly Facebook Mobile Uploads

We’d like you guys to really get to know the team here at funeralOne, so starting today, we’re going to be sharing some of the photos our staff members upload to their personal Facebook pages once a month. Check out some of the mobile uploads from January. Enjoy! Kelly MuradfuneralOneMore Posts – Website Follow Me:

The Death of Traditional Funeral Guest Books

Every day, funeral homes are faced with having to adapt their traditional way of doing things to keep up with the evolving needs and expectations of their families. Today is no different. I’m here to tell you that traditional funeral guest books are now a thing of the past—and like many other funeral traditions that […]

Funeral Marketing: Getting Started with Educational Videos

This is the third blog post in a 4-part series on The Value of Video. Stay tuned for more! In my previous two posts, I shared with you how the use of video can increase engagement and visibility of your funeral home website, and 4 ways to establish credibility with an educational video library. Today, […]

4 Ways to Establish Credibility With An Educational Video Library

[bitsontherun KRJWCqgI] This is the second blog post in a 4-part series on The Value of Video. Stay tuned for more!   You’ve heard me say before that establishing yourself as a thought leader among your community and your client families is the best word-of-mouth marketing you could do for your funeral home…but now I’m […]

Increase Engagement & Visibility of Your Funeral Home Website

It’s no secret that we are a visual society. Statistics show that people actually remember 50% more of what they see and hear, as opposed to what they only hear. And you better believe the same holds true for visitors of your funeral home website. As the attention spans of your families continue to shrink, […]

2011 Roundup: Funeral Firm Marketing Lessons Learned

As the year comes to a close, we’re left to reflect on the lessons learned from our marketing initiatives in 2011. Although there have been many, I’ve selected what I believe to be the MOST important marketing lessons for your funeral firm to adopt to have a successful 2012. How to Up the Success of […]

5 Reasons Your Funeral Marketing Plan Could Fail In 2012

We’ve got reason to believe your funeral marketing plan for 2012 could fail. But the good news is it’s not too late to make the necessary changes for your funeral firm to experience the success that’s possible. Based on the following funeral marketing predictions for 2012, it seems your families are continuing to change and […]

Expert Insight: The World Wide Web In 60 Seconds

I recently saw this infographic and realized I better share it with funeral professionals now, before it’s too late. As you’re finalizing your marketing plans for 2012, you might want to consider some of the statistics below. If you’re still questioning whether or not your families are online, STOP. This infographic by Shanghai Web Designers […]

Yellow Pages vs. Online: The Most Effective Tool for Funeral Marketing

Funeral professionals are definitely embracing technology more these days, than in years past. According to results from the 2011 State of Funeral Marketing survey, 81% of respondents said their firm currently has a website. However, it appears as though the majority of respondents still don’t understand the true value of their website, especially when it […]