17 Summer-Inspired Funeral Personalization Ideas Your Families Will Love

Ahhh, sweet summer time. A time where everyone feels more relaxed, more open, and more in touch with nature (at least we hope so!). Why not invite those sweet summer vibes into your funeral home, so that your families can benefit from this healing energy? Here are 17 summer-inspired funeral personalization ideas we have for […]

These Questions Will Help You Design The Perfect Personalized Funerals

It’s no secret, it’s not always easy to get grieving family members or friends to talk about their loved ones. They are emotional. They are stressed. They just want to go home and hide under the covers pretending this hasn’t happened. Yet, by asking the right questions, you can discover more about a person’s hobbies, […]

12 Days of Easy DIYs That Help Families Remember At Christmas

Christmas and remembrance go hand-in-hand. When we talk about the “true reason for the season,” many of these reasons are steeped in holiday remembrance: Family traditions that have carried over generation to generation, stories of holiday pastimes that are told around the fireplace, and even meals and movies shared that carry a special significance. So […]

Everything You Know About Obituary Writing Is Wrong

Remember those little Magicubes you’d snap onto your Kodak Instamatic? Quaint, right? Except for a few purists, we don’t even use cameras anymore. Likewise, obituaries have migrated from print to the web. But it would be a mistake to think of online obituaries as the electronic equivalent of newspaper obits. Technology has transformed length, content, […]

Why Your Funeral Home Should FINALLY Embrace Webcasting

Do you remember when eBook readers first came onto the scene? It was 1998 and, at the time, nobody was even thinking about reading books or magazines on anything but paper. For you youngins out there who’ve grown up reading books on your iPhone or Kindle, get ready to be flabbergasted… Back in 1998, if […]

3 Things Your Families Expect You To Know About Funerals

For most people in the world, the process of planning a funeral is completely unfamiliar territory. Sure, most people have attended at least one funeral in their lifetime, whether it was for an acquaintance, close friend or family member. But that doesn’t mean that they know everything that went on behind the scenes to make […]

How Celebration Services Are Changing What Families Think About Funerals

When it comes to funerals, celebration is the new black. But seriously… today’s changing families are beginning to throw all of the formalities of a traditional funeral aside and opt instead for a more unique, personalized and celebratory service to honor the ones that mean the most to them. But before you write this article […]

5 Custom Features That Will Elevate Your Funeral Memorial Cards

As funeral professionals, we too often look past the potential value that many of our everyday products and services provide. Take funeral memorial cards, for example. These personalized, printed cards are a staple for most funeral services. They are a standard way for families to share details about their loved one’s order of service, and […]

5 Memorial Video Hacks That Will Take Your Videos From Simple to STUNNING

Tribute videos are a HUGE trend in the funeral profession… While these stunning life memorials used to be something that you would see once in a blue moon during a funeral service or life celebration, they are now becoming one of the most common requests from today’s families. And it makes sense why… Photos have […]

11 Modern Funeral Songs That Celebrate Life

Funerals are getting more and more personalized these days… families are swapping out light funeral refreshments for full-on food and beverage stations, and even planning weekend-long memorial celebrations instead of a traditional funeral service! (Don’t believe us? Just check out these out-of-the-box funeral personalization ideas.) But planning a personalized funeral service doesn’t have to be […]