7 Ways To Manage Your Uncertainty Fears Right Now

First a global pandemic hit. Then, came the protests. And let’s not even get into the economic turmoil at play.

One thing is for certain in all of this, and that is: NOTHING is certain.

So what gives? How do we, as individuals, as professionals and as a collective, face uncertainty and stay sane, healthy and well?

Here are 7 tips to keep in your toolbox:

1. Give up changing the circumstances

In other words, find a way to accept what’s happening. It’s not easy to dance arm and arm with uncertainty. It takes giving up all expectations of what you think should happen, how it should happen, or why it should happen. It requires from you the ability to be present with what is. Presence isn’t easy, which is why our society thrives on distractions, which leads us to our next point…


2. Ditch your unhealthy distractions for self care

Let’s face it, our vices have great qualities to nourish us when we’re going through it! Or so we think. What do you turn to when things in life go sour? Cigarettes, food, (more) work, complaining excessively? Now’s the time to come clean! Notice what you pick up when you feel uncomfortable, and ask yourself if it’s truly nourishing you. 

Then, try swapping that habit for a new, truly nourishing one. Here’s some ideas to get started:

  • Going for a brisk walk (and get your heartbeat pumping)
  • Watch a sunset or sunrise
  • Journal your feelings until they feel more manageable
  • Try yoga or stretching for 15 minutes
  • Take a walk or a jog around your neighborhood and stock up on those endorphins
  • Try cooking a new healthy recipe
  • Listen to an uplifting audiobook


3. Cultivate gratitude

When things fall apart, and everything is uncertain, it’s really easy to get caught in the idea that “everything sucks.” Suddenly the quality of your thoughts is literally in a downward spiral, like a toilet flushing.

If you catch yourself in the toilet bowl syndrome, try writing down, speaking, or visualizing at least 5 things you’re grateful for. But truly feel it. Feel the gratitude. Don’t hone it in here. The more things you can think of, the more potential you have to feel better… fast.


4. Take the gift that’s being given to you

“Although we can’t make fear look pretty, it will nevertheless introduce us to all the teachings we’ve ever heard or read,” Pema Chodron. In other words, fear and uncertainty aren’t easy to feel… but they will give you so much to learn from. 

There’s always a gift at the bottom of everything we face. It’s just important for us to recognize them.


5. Play the opposites game

Uncertainty tends to bring up fear for many. And the best way to combat fear, is to turn the other way, and look to love. Whether it’s turning up your own self love, expressing love to those close in your life, sending love to those who aren’t so easy to love, or doing a random act of kindness for a stranger…. there are so many ways to tap into love! Especially now, when many folks are focusing on separation and blaming. 


6. Become a master of tuning into your families’ needs

If there’s one professional opportunity in all of this, it’s becoming a master in sensing and recognizing the needs of your families through challenges. You can cultivate this skill by practicing deep listening and asking the right questions. The more you practice this skill, the more resilient you and your funeral business will become.  In the end, it’s about keeping an open mind and embrace adjusting and adapting. 


7. Be the change you wish to see in the world

You’ve heard this saying a million times before… but now is a time where these words really ring truth. We may look to our leaders and systems to help bring us out of this period of chaos and uncertainty, and that’s ok. But we must also remember that the changes we see in the world are reflections of our individual choices. 


How else are you managing these times of uncertainty? Tell us in the comments below!

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