How to Turn Website Visitors Into Loyal Client Families

So, you’ve got a funeral home website

But is that enough?

Short answer: no, it’s not.

If your funeral home website is simply a static part of your business, rather than a function of your business actively turning visitors into loyal client families, this blog is for you.

It’s true that a website is a static page on a screen. However, the aspects of a website that deeply serve your client families turns it into a non-static, super service to those who need it most.

Let’s explore these 6 ways that you can turn your website into a foundational service that converts visitors into client families:


1. Speak to their pain points

One of the fastest ways to connect to your online audience is to speak to their pain points. It’s very validating for people to come to your website feeling a need, and seeing in big writing, you naming their need. 

To understand the pain points, you can ask yourself: 

  • What do your client families struggle with through their process of death and loss that you can specifically help them with? 
  • Why do client families come to you specifically, rather than the bargain funeral home down the street?
  • What are the things you continuously have your client families tell you they need when they come to you (very specifically, not just general “funeral services”).

Once you understand this, leverage this information as messaging on your website. Your online website visitors will immediately feel resonance with you, and feel more compelled to connect with you. 


2. Acknowledge potential objections in your content

If you know, for example, that a lot of your client families come to you on a budget, what is a way you could address that potential objection to choosing your funeral home? Would languaging on flexible financing or payment plans help ease their worries and encourage them to choose you? What about a range of options visibly listed on your website with lower pricing for those on a budget as well as easy and affordable personalization add-ons?

It’s important to understand the hesitations your client families have when they come to you. That way, you can help to ease them, if you’re willing to be flexible in your customer journey.


3. Tell a compelling story

Everyone loves a good story. And behind every successful business, there is usually a compelling story. That story may be about how your funeral business got started, or the ways that your team has touched the lives of your client families. What is your compelling story that you tell your client families in person, or the stories you share with people about your job and why you love it? Tap into these stories, and tell them. On your website. For all to see. Make the font big. The photos bigger. 

Let these stories be the reasons why your website visitors pick up the phone after reading your “About Us” or “Our Story” page on your website. Don’t phone in the content in this area. Let who you are and your unique stories truly shine! Otherwise, it’s wasted content that dulls the potency of your funeral home website. 


4. Build an email list

A funeral home website without an email list is like making a delicious lunch to take on a picnic without anything to put it into. Without a space to contain or hold that which you create, you don’t have much, except maybe a soggy sandwich… or lost customers. By creating an email list, you can keep your audience in touch with what you’re up to. And, you’ll be able to continue offering them a level of service through your offerings. Because chances are, as we continue to evolve into what funeral service actually is, your services will continue to expand far beyond just directing funerals and transporting loved ones (it’s already happening, actually).


5. Get people to sign up for your email list

An email list is great, but if no one is on it, it’s not worth much for you or your funeral business. So how to get people on it, you ask? The secret sauce: gated content. Essentially, gated content is a content offer that your audience can only access if they sign-up for your email list. 

You’ll usually spot this in the form of a pop up when you land on a website or as you click away from a relevant page. You may even be directed to a landing page specifically tailored to the keywords you searched on Google, with gated content relevant to what you are looking for.

A great example of this (feel free to use this one!) is when someone logs onto your funeral home website, and within seconds there is a pop up with a quiz that says “What kind of funeral service would best honor your loved one? Take the quiz”. Someone who isn’t sure how to celebrate their loved one would enter in their email address to take the quiz, and bam, you have a connection with them. You can then follow up with them a few days later via email, which we’ll get to next…


6. Build a simple sales funnel on your website

“Sales funnel? What’s that!?”, you might be thinking. It sounds more complicated than it is. A sales funnel is essentially the journey a website visitor takes after signing up for something on your website or making a purchase. 

Using the example above, say someone takes your online quiz on your website. A few days later, they receive a simple (automated) email from you titled “Have any questions or anything we can help you with?”. The email can then go on to explain who you are, and invite them to reach out to you should they need your assistance! 

A simple sales funnel email like that can take you far. However, sales funnels are a whole big world to dive into. And they’ve got lots of value. If you’re interested in diving deeper into them, check out this blog: What is a Sales Funnel, Examples and How to Create One


Finally, a website that is engineered for converting visitors into client families

All of these efforts are best supported by an epic funeral home website that is built from the ground-up to help you turn visitors into client families. f1Connect all-in-one website platform is the funeral professional’s #1 converting website platform. Interested in learning more? Click here to speak with one of our Funeral Success Specialists or give us a call at 1-800-798-2575 to make the switch today.


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