Life Tributes Spring 2011 Maintenance Update
May 18th, 2011We just pushed a maintenance update to Life Tributes that we’re excited to share with you!
Key changes that you’ll see in the Life Tributes Spring 2011 Maintenance Update:
Tribute Videos
- New Scenic Video Backgrounds: Additional scenic video backgrounds for tribute videos include Golf and Horses.
- Increased Quality of Uploads: The family and friends of the loved one can enjoy higher-quality tribute videos uploaded to the Internet.
- Custom Text Ending – Patriotic Intro: The popular Patriotic tribute video introduction now has the option to add a custom text ending, allowing users to insert their families’ text of choice.
- Spanish Introductions: Users now have the ability to offer additional Spanish tribute video introductions.
- Improved Video Quality for Recorded Webcasts: Family and friends of the loved one can now view much higher-quality burned and uploaded webcasts thanks to our tremendous video quality / resolution improvements.
- Wide-Screen Camera Support: Life Tributes users can now easily stream and record webcasts with both wide-screen and standard cameras.
- Full-Screen Viewing: Webcast attendees have the option to view the webcast of their loved on full-screen with our new webcasting player.
- Eliminated Flash Dependency: Users can extend webcasts to a wider audience with our improved webcasting technology that does not require Adobe Flash Player.
- New “Share” Feature: Allows webcast attendees to share the webcast of their loved one via social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter. * Password protection can be utilized to prevent unauthorized viewing of webcasts.
Printing/ Tribute Books
- “Order of Service” Improvements: Life Tributes users can now enjoy font customization and the ability to add additional rows of text.
- Tribute Book Updates: Not only have we improved usability, but also eliminated the need for users to print 2 cover photos for the Tribute Book.
How to install the update:
If you’re an existing Life Tributes user, when you log into the software, you’ll be automatically prompted to install this free update…Make sure to select “Yes!”
If you have not yet installed Life Tributes, click the banner below to get your FREE trial!
If you have any questions, please contact the funeralOne Epic Support Team at [email protected] or via phone at 1 (800) 798-2575.
Thank you for choosing Life Tributes, we appreciate your continued support!
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