26 Go-To Sympathy Gift Ideas That Offer Comfort

Sympathy gifts, in general, can be a hard thing to shop for.

Especially if you’re not a funeral professional, and haven’t had to face death in your life very much.

Like, how the heck are you supposed to know how to support someone through something you’ve never gone through? How can you even start to imagine what they’re feeling and need at this time?

Below, we lay out the ways a lot of people love receiving support, and what those kinds of support can look like in Sympathy Gifts.


But first, the 5 love languages

Before we begin, let’s consider a concept called the 5 Love Languages, created by Gary Chapman, a well-known relationship psychologist.

These 5 love languages are the 5 primary ways Mr. Chapman has seen people express, give and receive love over his last 30+ years working with people.

These 5 love languages are: quality time, physical touch, acts of service, and receiving gifts.

So now that you’re equipped with some brand new insight on how to give love and support, let’s dive into sympathy gift ideas, according to each love language.


Love Language #1: Quality Time

Someone who prefers this way of receiving love appreciates and enjoys your presence and time over gifts. They likely would enjoy a day with you on a porch chatting over tea than receiving a bouquet of flowers. 

Sympathy gift ideas for comforting someone who values quality time:

  • Show up at their door with their favorite movie and a tissue box
  • Offer to take them on a walk to their favorite nature spot
  • Go with them to support them in the visit to the grave or memorial site of the loved one
  • Turn your phone off and offer your full presence, free from distractions when you’re with them
  • Try and not cancel plans with this person, as this may upset them in this tender time
  • Gift them a scrapbook or Tribute Book so they can put together all their memories with their loved one and keep them 



Love Language #2: Words of Affirmation

A person whose love language is words of affirmation really values verbal encouragement, appreciation, compliments, and talking story in general. They feel very uplifted by a great conversation, it can change their whole day. Nothing feels better to them than a “thank you” or “you’re doing great.”

Sympathy gift ideas for comforting someone who values words of affirmation:

  • Give them a heartfelt Sympathy Card, and fill it up with your own words that are unique, special, authentic, and supportive. We really like these Sympathy cards that have blank insides, yet very inspirational covers.
  • Write them a letter letting them know all the ways you appreciate them and why you’re proud of them
  • Get them a deck of Grief Affirmation cards (we like this one from Etsy)
  • If cards aren’t there thing, maybe a Grief Workbook or Grief Journal could help them express themselves on their journey
  • Ask them to consider a Grief Support Group or Death Cafe in their local area


Love Language #3: Acts of Service

Folks who appreciate acts of service really feel loved when someone in their life goes out of their way to do something for them. Some examples include taking something off their plate for them, or a simple thoughtful gesture.

Sympathy gift ideas for comforting someone who values acts of service:

  • Get them a gift card for their favorite lunch spot that covers their meals for a month or too
  • Consider doing a meal train for them in the first week following their loss
  • Gift them a month with your favorite grief therapist or grief coach
  • Secretly complete a huge task they’ve been having a hard time with, like finishing painting the deck or setting up the furniture
  • Offer to help them with the heavy load things to take care of with their loss of their loved one


Love Language #4: Touch

The person in your life facing a loss who loves touch appreciates anything that involves bodily contact. That includes hugs, hand holding, and beyond. 

Sympathy gift ideas for comforting someone who values touch:

  • Take them to the pet adoption center for a day and let them get in on some serious pet snuggles
  • Or, get them an actual trained grief therapy pet
  • A gift card to a local massage therapist can go a long way
  • Gift them something fluffy or soft to cuddle with, like a stuffed animal, cozy slippers, or a soft blanket 
  • Prepare a little self care basket for them with massage oils that they can use themselves when they’re feeling down


Love Language #5: Gifts

Those who dig gifts as their love language, love a visual expression of love. Gifts don’t have to be fancy or worth a bunch of money to them. What’s important is that they felt like you took the time to think about them, and get them something that makes them feel joy.

Sympathy gift ideas for comforting someone who values touch:

  • Visit our Sympathy Store for thousands of thousands of sympathy gifts at the click of a button
  • Surprise them with a small gift for a few days in a row to let them know you are thinking of them
  • Get them a grief subscription box for a few months so they can receive a little box of joy every month following their loss
  • Memorial or cremation jewelry could be a great way for them to keep their loved one close in a symbol of jewelry
  • And last but not least, what doesn’t say “I wish you comfort” better than flowers!? This is definitely the kind of person who would appreciate flowers at their door


Over to you

We hope these 26 Sympathy Gift ideas helped you! If you’re looking for the largest selection of Sympathy Gifts for yourself, or to be offered to your client families, check out the Sympathy Store here. To find out how to get the Sympathy Store added to your funeral home website by clicking here or calling 866-670-4758.


What are some other Sympathy Gift ideas you’d add to the list? Tell us below!

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