How Important is a Mobile Website For Your Funeral Home?


“There’s just a lot of things about mobile that are amazing opportunities for advertisers and for businesses. So I expect tablets and smartphones to revolutionize how people do marketing.”
– Larry Page, CEO of Google

Lately, it seems like every technology or marketing blog I read talks about how important it is for every business to have a mobile optimized website.

We see eCommerce and social networking companies creating mobile optimized websites and having great success with it. In fact, in 2012 $6.7 billion was spent on mobile phones alone!

But what about for the funeral profession? Are people using their mobile phones to research and find your funeral home?

After doing several years of research, the funeralOne team has found that the answer to the question is a big Y-E-S. In fact, our research shows that nearly half of all of our client’s website traffic comes from mobile devices. Even more, this number is growing… fast.

If you’re funeral home is still on the fence about jumping on the mobile bandwagon, check out these 4 reasons why your funeral home should have a mobile optimized website (backed up by 27 mind-blowing stats)!

Reason #1: Mobile usage is exploding (and will continue to)


1. The number of smartphones will exceed 1.82 billion worldwide by the end of 2013.
2. 91% of adults have their mobile phone within arm’s reach 24/7.
3. More people use a mobile phone (4 billion) than use a toothbrush (3.5 billion).
4. 82% of U.S. adults own a cell phone.
5. Mobile ad spend is set to reach $7.19 billion by the end of 2013.
6. Between 2010 and 2011, mobile data usage increased 89%.
7. There are 5 times more cellphones in the world than PCs.
8. Mobile internet usage is projected to overtake desktop internet usage by 2014.


Reason #2: Consumers are using mobile to research local services


9. One half of all local searches are performed on mobile devices.
10. 81% of smartphone users have done product research via smartphone and 50% have made a purchase with one.
11. 46% of shoppers reported they exclusively use their mobile device to conduct pre-purchase research for local products and services.
12. Mentioning your location or city name in a mobile ad can improve click-through rates up to 200%.


Reason #3: Mobile friendly websites are more likely to turn visitors into customers


13. 59% of mobile users who find your business while looking up local information on their mobile phone will visit your business, while 61% of them will call.
14. 70% of mobile users have compared product prices on their phones.
15. 65% have read product reviews on their phones.
16. 90% of mobile searches lead to action, 50% of them lead to purchase.


Reason #4: You’re losing business without a mobile-friendly website


17. 72% of users said that mobile-friendly sites were important to them.
18. Yet, 45% of businesses still don’t have a mobile-optimized website.
19. 48% of users say they feel frustrated and annoyed when they get to a site that’s not mobile-friendly.
20. One out of every two people say if a site doesn’t work well on smartphones, it made them feel like the company didn’t care about their business.
21. 50% of people say that even if they like a business, they will use them less often if the website isn’t mobile-friendly.
22. 79% of people who don’t like what they find on one mobile site will go back and search for another site.


What do people want from your mobile site?


23. 76% want to get your location and operating hours.
24. 68% want to look up an obituary.
25. 61% want a “click to call” your business.
26. 54% want to send an email.
27. 48% want to get to the company’s social networking page.
28. 41% want to play a video clip.


Is your website mobile optimized?

If not, you could be missing out on a huge traffic resource and lead generator for your funeral home! Since most websites aren’t mobile optimized right out of the gates, you’ll need to find a website provider who offers a mobile website solution.

If you’re not a current funeralOne customer and would like to see our f1Connect Mobile Website solution in action, click here to get a free demo of f1Connect.

Does your funeral home have a mobile optimized website? Tell us what you love about it in the comments below!


PS. Check us out on Slideshare!


Joe Joachim

Joe Joachim is the CEO and Founder of funeralOne, the first global solutions firm leading a movement of change for the funeral profession. For the past 11 years, he’s developed game-changing solutions that help funeral professionals increase the value of their service offerings, connect with the families of today, and become more profitable. funeralOne’s solutions include: website design, aftercare, funeral eCommerce, and personalization software.



Joe Joachim


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