6 Common Misconceptions of eCommerce & the Funeral Profession


There’s been a lot of talk surrounding funeral professionals starting to sell sympathy gifts and flowers on their funeral home website as part of their business strategy.

Some of the chatter is positive. There are those who believe this is a no-brainer solution—simply an extension of the services they currently offer their families.

Some of the chatter is negative. There are those who think eCommerce is only a passing fad and there is no place for it within the funeral profession.

Everyone has their own opinion, and I respect that. But, I’ve stumbled upon a few misconceptions about eCommerce and I’d like to set the record straight!

Regardless of if you support the idea of incorporating an eCommerce store into your funeral home website or not, you deserve to at least know the facts.

Here are a few common misconceptions about eCommerce:

Misconception #1: I don’t believe in “selling” to my families

The funeral profession is about providing services to families during their time of need. I don’t believe in blatantly “selling” to them.

REALITY: Adding an eCommerce store to your existing funeral home website isn’t some scheme to make money off your families while they’re in vulnerable state. There’s no pressure for your website visitors to buy anything—they’re simply free to browse on their own time. You’re actually assisting in their grief and healing process by making it easier for website visitors to send their condolences with sympathy gifts and flowers.


Misconception #2: It’s too time consuming


I’m trying to do more with less these days, and the last thing I want to take on is an eCommerce store that is going to create more work for the staff at my funeral firm.

REALITY: Lucky for you, adding an eCommerce store to your existing funeral home website doesn’t have to require any additional work for your funeral firm. With the right eCommerce solution, everything from integration on your website, to merchandising, ordering, billing, shipping and customer service will be taken care of for you!


Misconception #3: There’s no need for it on my funeral home website

I’m not a retailer so why would I start selling sympathy gifts and flowers on my funeral home website? There’s no need for it and that’s not what people are coming to our website for.

REALITY: Your community is seeking ways to support your families when they need it most. Every month, there are nearly 200,000 searches for sympathy gifts and flowers on Google alone! The reality is, if they don’t find what they’re looking for on your website, they’ll just go elsewhere. Giving them the ability to buy and send gifts and flowers directly from your website is an added convenience you can offer.

Misconception #4: It costs too much money

funeral-home-website-costTimes are tough. I don’t want the added expense of selling sympathy gifts and flowers on my funeral home website.

REALITY: That excuse doesn’t hold up anymore. Today, you can have an eCommerce store integrated into your website for FREE! Not only will you earn commissions on the sale of flowers, but also sympathy gift baskets, memorial gifts, comfort food, grief & healing books, and more.

Misconception #5: My families don’t shop online

Shopping online is just a fad. I know there are plenty of people who do it, but not my families. What benefit would they get out of shopping for gifts and flowers from my funeral home website?

REALITY: Contrary to popular belief, your families actually do shop online. In fact, 71% of adults shop online. Why? To save time and simplify their lives! With everything integrated into your website, they can read the obituary, offer condolences, look up service times and information, and send flowers and gifts from one convenient location.

Misconception #6: I would need a whole new website to incorporate a sympathy store

building-funeral-home-websiteAs much as the idea of adding an eCommerce store to my funeral home website sounds tempting, I just re-did my website and don’t have the time or money to put into a new one.

REALITY: Actually, incorporating an eCommerce store into your funeral home website doesn’t require a complete overhaul of your existing website—it doesn’t even require a redesign. With an eCommerce plug-in, an online store can be seamlessly integrated to your existing website, regardless of provider.

I’m sure there are many more out there, but those are the main misconceptions I’ve heard recently.

I know some of you will still remain skeptical, but I honestly believe having an eCommerce store integrated directly into your funeral home website will soon be the norm.

What are some other reasons you have for not wanting to start selling sympathy gifts and flowers on your funeral home website? Please share your comments below! 🙂

Are you ready to start offering your families the convenience of buying sympathy gifts and flowers directly from your funeral home website? The Sympathy Store plug-in is an effortless, FREE, way to start selling online. Click here to start selling sympathy gifts and flowers today!

Joe Joachim


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  1. Kim Stacey

    Really thought provoking post, with a great offer. There’s absolutely no reason whatsoever for a funeral home to be without an eCommerce component, and the funeralOne Sympathy Store is the perfect choice – for a thousand reasons. 

  2. Anonymous

     I agree with you Kim! An The Sympathy Store really is a no-brainer!

  3. Funeral Blog. The official blog for the funeral & cemetery professions. » Blog Archive What Everyone Ought to Know About Funeral eCommerce

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