5 Reasons Your Funeral Home’s Website Design Is More Important Than You Think


The other day I read that 75% of families who visit a funeral home website to learn more about them don’t actually end up contacting the firm.

Let’s take a minute to think about this stat.

That means that only one out of every four people who visit your website end up finding what they’re looking for. I don’t know about you, but I think that’s a huge problem. Not just for your bottom line, but for your reputation and heck, even the funeral profession’s reputation as a whole.

Sadly, many funeral homes just don’t see the importance of good website design. Many funeral directors will tell me “it’s just not worth the time” or “our website doesn’t generate enough business for us to make it a priority.” Today, I’m here to show you that the design of your funeral home website isn’t just important, but it’s essential to your business.

Don’t believe me? These five statistics make the case for the importance of your funeral home website’s design:

1. 97% of consumers today turn to the web to find a reputable product or service.

First, let’s get to the bottom of the importance of your funeral home’s website. If you don’t think your website is important to your bottom line, this statistic should be enough to change your mind. Times have changed, and instead of simply dialing up your funeral home, families have taken control of how they find your funeral home and when they want to consume that information. If your website doesn’t give potential families the information they’re looking for in a clear and concise way, you might be losing business.

Must-read: 18 Questions Your Funeral Home Website Must Answer 


2. A website’s loading time has a 40% impact on increasing website traffic and keeping visitors on your page.

Good website design isn’t just for looks, but for functionality, too. And functionality is one of the first things that will cause a visitor to leave your site. In fact, did you know that if your website takes more than four seconds to load, you’ll more than likely lose that visitor? In order to keep visitors on your funeral home website and avoid a slow loading site, be sure to remove pop-ups, auto music/video and lastly, make sure your site is up-to-date.

Must read: Using Psychology To Design A Better Funeral Home Website 

3. 94% of website users cite design as a reason they don’t trust a website.

Have you ever walked into a restaurant or store that had an ambience you just weren’t feeling? You probably walked out of the doors immediately, right? That’s because design has a huge impact on your decision-making process. Think of all the times you choose a brand because of it’s design – whether it’s a new soda, a brand of popcorn, etc. The same goes for your funeral home’s website.

The design of your website has a huge impact on how you’re perceived. An out-of-date website might cause a user to think you’re behind with the times, while an over-complicated website could lead visitors to not trust you. The best way to find out if your funeral home’s website design is affecting your business is to have a fresh set of eyes take a look at it and tell you their immediate reaction. In fact, ask a few people to take a look at it – the more input you get, the better.

Must read: How To Look At Your Funeral Home Website The Way Your Families Do 

4. 76% of consumers say the most important element of a website is that it makes it easy to find what they’re looking for.

This one should be obvious, but it’s harder to achieve than you think. First, you need to understand what exactly your potential families are looking for. You can do this by checking out your Google Analytics page. (If you don’t already use Google Analytics here’s a guide to help you get started). While digging through your analytics, see which website pages (or top 3 pages) your visitors are clicking on the most. Then, you’ll want to make it easy for your website visitors to find those pages. The key? Simplicity. By removing the unnecessary clutter and highlighting the information you know they’re looking for, you’ll be well on your way to helping your visitors find what they need.

Must read: What Do 76% of Families Want From Your Funeral Home Website? 

5. 86.6% of U.S. small businesses cite websites as their most important digital marketing tactic.

Finally, it’s helpful to understand that companies in just about every other industry know that their website is important. Even small businesses, too. Don’t think that just because you’re a mom-and-pop shop or in a small community, your website design doesn’t have huge impact on your business. Because it does. Many funeral homes have increased their bottom line by redesigning their website with their families in mind.

Take Schoedinger Funeral Home, for example. They increased their pre-need leads by 2,000% by re-designing their funeral home website. And that’s just the beginning of how their website transformed their business. Read their story below to see for yourself.

Must read: [CASE STUDY] How Schoedinger Funeral Home Transformed Their Business

Re-design your website for your families (and your bottom line) today

Want to see how you can transform your business with the right website design? Get a free demo of the all-in-one f1Connect website platform by clicking here or calling us at 800-798-2575, ext. 5.


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  1. David King

    Thanks for posting. This gives me an idea to learn more about funeral home website. Keep posting.

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