6 Free Holiday E-Card Templates For Busy Funeral Professionals

Funeral professionals everywhere can suffer a lot during the holiday season from things like stress, overwhelm, and long to-do lists.

Sometimes the simple pleasures of the holidays get lost in the shuffle. One of them being sending out holiday cards to those you care about.

Thankfully, we’ve got you covered in this realm. We’ve created 6 holiday e-card templates for you, so you can show your client families, and even your own family and friends that you care about them this holiday.

The best part? They’re already designed for you, so all you have to do is share them, and BAM, all of your holiday card dilemmas are banished.

Check out these 6 free holiday e-card templates below, and send them out to those you care about:


  1. A Generic, Uplifting Card

This one’s great for those with varied religious backgrounds. Plus, it’s colors are super uplifting!

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2. Happy, Healthy Grieving Card


If you’re the type of funeral professional who wants to encourage the healing of the families you served this year, this card is a great choice. With a few helpful ways to remember and celebrate a loved one during Christmas, this card is sure to let families know you’re there to support their grief journey months or even years after you’ve served them.

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3. Recipe Card for Heart Holiday Healing


If you like to think outside the box, we think this holiday e-card will offer your families a sweet, gentle message that will put a smile on their face. Using a “recipe” to invite healing  is a great message to share this holiday!

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4. The “Too Late For Christmas” Card

If you totally forgot to send a card in time for Christmas to your families, you can use this card that is perfect for pre-New Years blessings. It’s always a nice idea to send your families on their way to have an epic new year!

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5. A Card For Fellow Funeral Directors

We know your client families are your top priority this Holiday season, but let’s be honest… you’ve been working hard next to your fellow funeral professionals. They deserve some love too, just from you! Here’s a card with a little humor for them to hopefully brighten their day.

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6. Finally, A Card For YOUR Family & Friends!

As your friends and family members are likely very familiar with the workload and potential overwhelm you may be facing this holiday season, it’s nice to take a moment to let your family and friends know you care. This card is our “hey, I’m busy, AND I care about you, here’s some adorableness” card. We hope you like it 🙂

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How To Use These Holiday E-Cards

Since we know you’re very busy this Holiday Season, we made it super easy for you to use and send these cards to your families, friends and loved ones.

Here are two ways to use these cards in less than 5-minutes:

  1. Use the “Share This” button below each card to choose the channel you’d like to share your cards on, then voila! Sent with love.
  2. Save the card manually. Simply right click on the holiday e-card you’d like to share, and click “save”. Then, directly share the card to whomever you’d like on any channel you’d like to do so on.


We hope these holiday e-cards make your life a little easier this Holiday Season! Let us know which ones are your favorite in the comments below!

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  1. 6 Free Holiday E-Card Templates For Busy Funeral Professionals – American Funeral Association

    […] post 6 Free Holiday E-Card Templates For Busy Funeral Professionals appeared first on funeralOne […]

  2. 6 Free Holiday E-Card Templates For Busy Funeral Professionals – Miles Christopher Update

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