15 Punny Halloween Costumes Only Funeral Directors Would Understand

Halloween, also known as the “witches New Year”, is a great time to be a funeral director.

There are so many fun ways to celebrate and create a little humor with your co-workers and community. That is, if you’re not too busy to celebrate!

Just in case you do find yourself extra busy this Halloween season, here is a little collection of 16 punny Halloween costumes we knew only you would understand.

Check em’ out, allow the knee slapping laughter to take you over, and enjoy:


1. The “death supports my living” costume

You can’t help it. Death pays your bills. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.


2. The “most valuable thing during a service” costume

There can never, ever be enough tissues. Period.


3. The “competitors down the street” costume

Could it be any more obvious that the funeral home down the street is copying your services? Might as well have some fun with it!


4. The perfect embalmer’s costume

If you’re really good at your art, anything is possible.


5. The “I had no time for Halloween because I’m a funeral director” costume

Good effort though. At least you tried.



6. The “Target audience” costume

Insta-GRAM, a pretty honest description of who you’re likely targeting with your funeral marketing efforts!


7. The “Negative stereotype” costume

Whether we like it or not, we all know that funeral directors are still growing out of the used car salesman stereotype. Slowly but surely.


8. The “take a chill pill, for real” costume

Because everyone at your funeral home could probably use a chill pill, always. And, let’s be honest, your families could probably use one, too.


9. The “How I feel after I get a good testimonial from a family” costume

The feeling can only be described through this costume. Words aren’t enough.


10. The “I still don’t understand funeral marketing” costume

And that’s okay… that’s what you’ve got us for!



11. The “I didn’t actually really have to dress up today because I wear black for my job” costume

The witch costume is a pretty easy transition from your normal work attire.


12. The “Life of a funeral director” costume

You may or may not have a neverending to do list.


13. The “Something went wrong in the crematorium” costume

Pacemaker troubles, anyone?


14. The “Me everyday after work” costume

Every good funeral professional needs to kick back with a glass of wine after work (or three).


15. The “Never wear this to work” costume

Could you imagine your families reactions? Eek, now that’s a scary thought.

What kind of punny costume ideas have you come up with at your funeral home? Tell us in the comments below!

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  1. 15 Punny Halloween Costumes Only Funeral Directors Would Understand – American Funeral Association

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  2. 15 Punny Halloween Costumes Only Funeral Directors Would Understand – Miles Christopher Update

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