What the Funeral Home of the Future Looks Like
September 20th, 2018What does the funeral home of the future look like?
There are so many schools of thought – some people think funeral homes will be incredibly technologically advanced in the future, while others think funeral homes will go off-grid, or even disappear all together.
Whatever your vision is for the funeral home of the future, we invite you to embrace it, visualize it, practice it, or even better… start creating it.
The funeral profession is changing wildly at this very moment, and the sooner we get to collaborating on a bright vision for the future, the sooner it will become a reality.
What are some things you can imagine for the funeral home of the future? Here’s some details of our big vision to get the momentum started…
Warm and welcoming
Gone are the days of being scared to enter a funeral home. The funeral home of the future will be a place that people feel welcome. And when they enter, they feel a warmth from the inside out, because this is a place of love and community.
A space to tell a story
At the center of a funeral service is a story – so naturally, at the center of the funeral home of the future, there will be a space to tell a story. There will be funeral directors eager to hear the story of the loved one, so that they can help them tell it in the most healing, beautiful and inspired way possible.
Backed by inspired funeral directors
The funeral directors of the future will finally be released of the burden of selling expensive caskets, and instead will be inspired to do the work they came to this world to do: help families grieve, celebrate, heal, and tell a story. Every family that walks in the door will walk in a stranger and leave a dear friend. And, they’ll leave feeling more inspired about the end-of-life journey.
The funeral home of the future will have spaces for people to discover and interact with all the options we have to offer them on how to tell that life story. There will be demonstrations on how to have a green funeral, how to have a home funeral, and how to create a memorial for someone. And, people will be genuinely curious to learn more about their end-of-life journey.
Busy with engaged families
And if all mentioned above is true, a funeral home that has evolved will be full of happy people, who understand the value of living well and dying well. They will want to be there because they’ll be curious on all the wonderful ways someone can celebrate and tell a story of a life well lived.
Religiously diverse
Maybe the funeral home of the future doesn’t adhere to one religion, but many. Not one spiritual belief, but all. All are welcome here. All are practiced here. There is no pressure for one or the other, but an open attitude to all.
A social community center
The funeral home of the future will be a community center in many ways. There will be spaces that the funeral home will share with the community. Stunning outdoor spaces for all types of life celebrations, and beautiful indoor spaces that are a community hub. You wouldn’t think it was even a funeral home at first glance, because it’s so beautiful and welcoming.
And we don’t mean the color green. The funeral home of the future will be eco-friendly. The practices and rituals we use won’t pollute the planet. In fact, the funeral home of the future could actually help create more natural space on the planet.
In harmony with nature
Death is a natural cycle of life that is very much a part of nature. The funeral directors of the future will not only understand that, but they’ll embrace that with offerings that are in complete harmony with nature. From the decor, look and feel of the funeral home, to the methods of disposition – everything will be fine tuned to the rhythm of nature.
A classroom
Most importantly, the funeral home of the future will be a space for constant education. A laboratory of sorts. A place of learning. An opportunity for every family to teach us to improve the way we serve them. Because if we’re going to keep adapting to the needs of families, and if we’re committed to offering them real value, then education and learning are at the foundation of everything we do.
What does the funeral home of the future look like for you? Tell us in the comments below!
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This all sounds great, as long as you’re not corporate owned.
This is the great idea to think about the funeral home of the future. This is a place where you can share your stories with others.
Warm and welcoming is the way to go in the future.
The office style is cold and not very welcome, when people is in greaf.
as the article describes “The funeral home of the future will be a place that people feel welcome. And when they enter, they feel a warmth from the inside out, because this is a place of love and community”
[…] As 2019 fast approaches, so too does the new paradigm of funeral service. […]
Thanks for sharing your opinion Bedemand! We sure hope to see this into the future!
Harold, we do understand your point. We hope that these kinds of blogs will get up to the corporate owners, so that we can all get on the same page!
The author of this, Krystal Penrose is one heck of an excellent writer! Yep, sounds weird to comment on that but I really enjoyed it. I am a Hospice patient so I feel excited about my next (or last) 6 months!
Thank you so much, Terri! Krystal here, and I appreciate your comment. I feel the love! And as for your journey, I celebrate you and the life you are living. Blessings to you!
Thank you Final Farewells! We appreciate your feedback.