10 Reasons funeralOne Is Excited for ICCFA 2013


It’s that time of the year again… ICCFA Convention and Exposition is here! There’s plenty of reasons to be excited for it – for starters, it’s the biggest ICCFA yet!

To share some of this excitement with you, here’s TEN reasons we’re counting down the hours until ICCFA 2013:

1. It’s the largest ICCFA yet!

I LOVE going to these annual conventions to chat with friends, clients and funeral professionals who share the same ideas I do. But this year, I’m more excited than ever because this is the largest ICCFA ever – with more than 500 booths and 11 hours of expo time. That means more chatting, collaborating, and meeting my wonderful clients!

2. We get to meet our clients

There’s only a couple of times a year where I get to meet my clients in-person and this is one of them! Make sure to stop by the booth and let me know how our products are helping you grow your firm, or let’s pick each other’s brains about where the profession is headed!

3. The KIP (Keeping It Personal) Awards

The KIP (Keeping It Personal) Awards are our favorite because they recognize those funeral professionals who have gone above and beyond to offer personalized services to their families. Last year, Loose Funeral Homes took the grand prize home for the “most personalized pet service or memorial,” and we’re excited to see who this year’s winner is!

4. There are 48 breakout sessions

If there’s one thing I’m MOST excited for about ICCFA, it’s the breakout sessions! This year there are tons of sessions I’m excited for,  including Ryan Thogmartin’s  “Social Media May Be Meaninglesss,” Lacy Robinson’s “Decoding the Generations” and Doug Gober’s “What Cremation Families Really Want.”

5. Who isn’t excited for the weather?

Where we come from, April means chilly, rainy weather, but thankfully we get to escape the cold weather and enjoy ourselves in Tampa’s 80 degree weather! Speaking of Tampa…

6. We LOVE Tampa

Tampa is the city of sunshine, sports, history and amazing food. I’m most excited to enjoy the sunshine and check out infamous restaurants like Bern’s Steakhouse, Roy’s, Pane Rustica and Ocean Prime!

7. ICCFA is social this year

We love taking part in social media conversations… don’t you? They help us make the most out of our experience. So join us in the ICCFA Twitter conversation by using the hash tag #ICCFA or #ICCFA2013!


8. We’re making an announcement!

If you stop by booth #209, you’ll find out what we’ve been up to lately. Here’s a hint: we’ve partnered with one of the leading technology providers in the funeral profession!

9. We’re getting funeral homes online

This year at ICCFA, funeralOne is on a mission to get every funeral home online. That’s why we’re giving away professional websites to every funeral home, big and small. Stop by booth #209 and we’ll provide you with everything you need to succeed online!

10. And most of all… we’re going to have fun!

Whether you’re an exhibitor, attendee, speaker or just stopping by, make sure you enjoy yourself… we know we will! Grab dinner with a new friend, attend one of the social events, or check out the tourist attractions around Tampa.


PS. Don’t forget to stop by and say hello to us at booth #209 🙂


What are you looking forward to most about #ICCFA2013? Share what you’re excited for in the comments below!


Joe Joachim is the CEO and Founder of funeralOne, the first global solutions firm leading a movement of change for the funeral profession. For the past 11 years, he’s developed game-changing solutions that help funeral professionals increase the value of their service offerings, connect with the families of today, and become more profitable. funeralOne’s solutions include: website design, aftercare, funeral eCommerce, and personalization software. Connect with Joe on Google+.






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Joe Joachim


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