Morbidly Curious? This Death Card Game Makes Space for Conversations Around Death

In my own search for new and better ways to invite death into our lives and especially in conversations, I came across the death-inspired card game called Morbid Curiosity. James and Kimberley, a couple with a background in theater and grief counseling, started creating the game before Death Positivity was trendy and cool. Their approach […]

5 Events Not To Miss at NFDA In Baltimore, Maryland!

The National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) Convention is coming up in just a few short days. And we, for one, are absolutely stoked to get to Baltimore, Maryland for all the goodness that is to come. After a wild ride of a year in the funeral profession, there is much to learn and grow from. […]

8 Beautiful Pieces Of Art Depicting Death That Will Leave You Speechless

Art has a great way of allowing us to explore topics that we don’t get to explore often in life. Death is one of those topics we don’t get to explore until it’s too late to turn back and report our findings. That’s why art that depicts death is so precious and beautiful. We’ve curated […]

15 Pieces of Advice For New Funeral Professionals (From Industry Vets)

If you’re a funeral professional new to the field, this blog is for you. First of all, welcome to this ever changing, wildly changing world of being a funeral professional! It’s an exciting time to join this profession.  Just don’t get too comfortable, because the funeral profession you see now may not be what it […]

5 Death Influencers (Of All Ages) You Should Know About

I love Death Influencers because they’re changing the game for the funeral profession in a big way. If you’re reading this and thinking to yourself: “What the heck is a ‘death influencer?’” then let me explain. A Death Influencer is someone who has a large online following on one or more social media platforms, who […]

29 Ways To Celebrate the Life of Someone After They’re Gone

After the funeral service is over and years pass by, it may be hard to find ways to celebrate those we’ve lost, even though we still think about them all the time. Whether it’s a holiday, event, or just a day that makes you think of them, there’s often a desire to do something to […]

What Will It Take To Create The Funeral Home Of The Future?

We all know what your typical idea of a funeral home conjures up in your mind.  Caskets, chapel seating, the smell of funeral flowers, maybe a faint smell of coffee, warm lighting… And this version of a funeral home has worked for some time now.  Now, as we explore the idea of what a funeral […]

7 Social Media Insights For Your Funeral Home’s Success

As we’re closing out the middle of the year, it’s always time for a good check-in on how your funeral business is handling your social media marketing. It’s good to do an evaluation and find out how to start strategizing for next year as you continue to learn what works best for your unique audience, […]

How to Turn Website Visitors Into Loyal Client Families

So, you’ve got a funeral home website.  But is that enough? Short answer: no, it’s not. If your funeral home website is simply a static part of your business, rather than a function of your business actively turning visitors into loyal client families, this blog is for you. It’s true that a website is a […]

6 Event Ideas To Better Engage Your Funeral Home’s Community

When it comes to hosting events at your funeral home, it’s important not to fall into the trap of what has “always been done before”. Sure, a food drive or Christmas ornament event is beautiful and for some funeral homes, these are staple events in the community.  But for many funeral homes, we are in […]