8 MORE Wedding Personalization Ideas Funeral Pros Should Steal

For some people, the summer months mean beach vacations, family barbecues or nights spent beside the bonfire. But for those of us in the event planning world, the summer season only means one thing — weddings. Now, I know what you’re thinking… “I’m in the funeral profession. Why would I care that it’s wedding season?” […]

11 Funeral Personalization Ideas Your Families Will Be Asking For All Summer

The long days and warm nights of summer always seem to bring about a celebratory feel, no matter what age or stage of life you’re in. As children, summer is synonymous with vacation and signifies months of freedom. As adults, we don’t experience that same freedom from obligations, but find ways to celebrate the time […]

4 Completely Amazing Funeral Personalization Ideas To Embrace In 2017

When the topic of personalization first hit the funeral profession over a decade ago, it was a completely revolutionary idea… How great would it be if you could build and create a funeral service that was entirely unique and custom to a loved one’s life? When families entered a funeral home, they were no longer […]

6 Independence Day DIYs That Are Great For A Patriotic Funeral

For some people around the world, the 4th of July is just another day. But if you live in America, you know that this day (and really the entire weekend that surrounds it) is something special. It’s a chance to celebrate where we come from, who we are and what we stand for. It’s a […]