6 Ways To Thrive (Not Just Survive) In The Future of Funerals

What will the funeral profession look like in 10, or even 20 years? Well, that’s hard to tell… Think about 20 years ago, before the advent of the web, or Google, or cell phones. Oh, how different customer experience (and life) was then! Looking at just how much of the landscape of the funeral profession […]

6 Steps To Becoming The Coolest Funeral Director Around

Is it finally cool to be a funeral director? In this day and age, my honest opinion, is YES. Yes it is. Why, you might ask, would a person who works in an embalming room and wears a black suit everyday be considered cool? For starters, because funeral directors aren’t in the embalming room nearly […]

NFDA Recap: Are Funeral Directors Poor Business People?

Funeral conventions are one of my favorite events in this profession… and it doesn’t get bigger or more exciting than the National Funeral Directors Association’s (NFDA) annual conference. It’s exciting and invigorating to walk around the trade show floor, seeing the latest and greatest funeral releases of the year. But my favorite part of the […]