7 Hilarious Ideas To try Your Funeral Home This Halloween

Halloween season is here! Y’all know that Halloween is the best holiday to celebrate at your funeral home, right?! It’s true.  Halloween is about the only time we can use death puns and make fun with death a little bit, without seeming creepy, off, or weird. So why not have fun with Halloween at your […]

How To Celebrate Halloween At Your Funeral Home In 2020

Halloween is here! If there’s one reason to dress up spooky, ditch your sugar cleanse and enjoy working in the death industry, Halloween is the one good excuse we have to celebrate something in this funky year of 2020! Without being able to go to Halloween parties or trick-or-treat, this time could feel a little […]

What Your Halloween Costume Says About Your Funeral Directing Style

Halloween is that time of the year we often find ourselves finding a costume to wear for a party, gathering, or work. And as silly as we might think it is, your Halloween costume has the potential to say more about you than you think.  In fact, according to Psychology Today: “Costumes are communication devices. […]

6 Magic Powers That All Funeral Professionals Possess

Who among us can’t be dazzled by a little bit of magic? Sometimes magic and mystique are the only logical explanations for what we experience in life, from how we scored the perfect parking spot right in front of the mall on Black Friday, to that pair of jeans that just seems to make 10 […]