The 6 Cornerstones of Funeral Service That Guide Everything

The goal of a funeral director should not be to increase call volume, revenue per call, or to get as many families as possible through their doors each year. No… the ultimate goal of any funeral professional should be to provide nurturing care to the families that they serve through the essential cornerstones of the […]

Five Great Pieces of Advice Funeral Directors Can Give AFTER The Funeral

As a funeral director, you help families through what may be the most difficult days of their life. But in many cases, after the final service or burial, you part ways and may not see each other again unless they ask you to handle the funeral of another loved one. But while your part might […]

3 Secrets For Hosting An Unforgettable Funeral Your Community Won’t Forget

In life, unforgettable is almost always better than good or great. Would you rather have a good burger or an unforgettable burger? A great kiss or an unforgettable kiss? And when it comes to your funeral, would you rather have a send off that was good… or unforgettable? That’s what we thought. So when it […]

4 Parts of a Funeral Families Take With Them When They Leave

Whenever you work in a profession that is centered around an event ﹘ whether it’s putting together a beautiful wedding, hosting an extravagant party, or giving someone a grand send off for their funeral ﹘ you always want to make sure that everything centered around the event is perfect. You stress and prep and prepare […]

Guest Post: How To Give Families The Support They Need After A Suicide Death

One phone call can change your day, your calling, and your purpose as a professional. As a funeral director, there are likely one or two families that you will remember forever. Perhaps it was the first death call you handled on your own as a new licensee. Maybe it was a death of a family […]

6 Brilliant Customer Support Rules Your Funeral Home Should Steal

Your role as a funeral professional has a more significant impact on the families you serve than you may realize. You’re the person that is able to step up and give guided support when they may be grieving, and you provide them with the tools they need to begin the healing process. Above all, you […]

5 Amazing Ways Videos and Photos Help Your Families Heal

When you work in the funeral profession, you often get asked the same kind of question from family and friends who are fascinated by our jobs: “How do you cope with people grieving every day? Isn’t it depressing?” While most people think of funerals as a time of mourning, grieving or sadness, funeral professionals know […]

No, I’m Not Gothic… And 4 More Assumptions Families Have About Funeral Professionals

I’ve been working in the funeral profession for a while now. When I’m not writing for funeralOne’s blog, I also travel around the country speaking with funeral directors and professionals at local conferences, and spend most of my days learning and writing about the millions of passionate people that make up this profession. And let […]