5 Stories To Reaffirm Your Love For The Funeral Profession

A day in the life of a funeral director can run you through a roller coaster of emotions and challenges, from the high demand that your families place on your time and attention to the unrelenting nature of your work. You put in long hours and know that there’s no such thing as a day […]

4 Ways To Help Your Families Celebrate Life AFTER The Funeral

The other day, while strolling through the Zilker Park Botanical Gardens in Austin, I found a beautiful bench that I had probably overlooked a hundred times before. At first glance – and to the average stroller – this bench might not have seemed so special. But on this particular day, the sun was shining just […]

4 Elements of the Perfect Personalized Funeral Service

  I hate directing funerals that make me feel empty inside. I hate listening to chaplains that haven’t taken the time to talk to the family and learn about the deceased in order to make the service special. I hate “traditional” services that are all about the rites and rituals, and do little to provide […]