28 Productivity Tips To Get You Through The Month of February

After the excitement of January has worn off and it’s just another year, it can be difficult to keep up momentum. New Year’s Resolutions are all but abandoned, the fun of the holidays has expired and a lull tends to set in. All that combined with colder winter temperatures and the fact that it’s dark […]

Transform Your Funeral Business in 2018 With This Resource

Funeral professionals have a 365-day-a-year job. Taking a vacation is tough. And finding time to focus on productivity? That seems like a pipe dream. Thankfully, you’re not on your own. There are a number of tools out there that will not only help you keep your New Year’s resolutions to get better organized and uncover […]

6 Classes That Every Funeral Director Should Major In This Year

We are officially one week into the back-to-school season. Now, I know what you’re thinking… “It’s been years since I had a first day of school!” But just because you may have stopped stocking up on September school supplies, or showing up for class with a fresh notebook ready to be filled, that doesn’t mean […]

The Pros and Cons of Millennials Taking Over The Funeral Profession

There are a lot of changes on the horizon for the funeral profession. Families as we’ve always known and served them are changing, in their values and in their funeral service requests. Cremation is rising at an even faster rate than many out there predicted. And even we, funeral service veterans, are transitioning out as […]

How To Make The Longest Day Of Summer The Most Productive For Your Funeral Home

If you’re anything like most other funeral professionals, by 9am you probably already have a to-do list that’s a mile long, a dozen calls to make, and a couple hours of sleep you’d like to catch up on. Your never-ending cycle of “must-dos” can overshadow how much time you get to spend giving your business […]

10 Tasks That Will Make You A Better Funeral Pro In 10 Minutes Or Less

I don’t know about you, but I fell off the wagon on my New Year’s Resolutions about two weeks into 2017… and I’m sure I’m not the only one. For instance, maybe you downloaded one of our top nine tools that could help bring you funeral success in the New Year, and just never got […]

The Secret To Surviving The Funeral Busy Season AND Enjoying The Holidays

Well, it’s official… December is finally here, and so is the winter season that comes with it. For many people all over the country, this monthly change is the exciting, unofficial start to the holiday season and all of the festive cheer that it brings… presents, holiday parties, ice skating and grown men dressed like […]

8 Productivity Hacks For Busy Funeral Professionals

We all know being in the funeral profession requires a lot, if not all, of your time and energy. After all, death never comes at a good time for anyone. But what if I told you that you could be happier, healthier and more productive by implementing a few simple techniques into your daily routine? […]