Socialnomics – Winning Customers’ Hearts, Minds & Wallets in a Wi-Fi World

One thing we’re always excited for when the ICCFA convention rolls around is the opportunity to seek new inspiration, learn and grow. This year, #1 bestselling author, Erik Qualman’s session, “Socialnomics: Winning Customers’ Hearts, Minds & Wallets in a Wi-Fi World” was one we couldn’t miss! Read on for our key insights. In this digital-age […]

How 4 Funeral Home Websites Went Viral (& You Can Too!)

The internet can be a strange place sometimes… sure, there is a wealth of awesome information out there on the web that helps us live better, work better, and serve our families better (hopefully our blog is one of those information sources for you!) But every once in awhile, a unique story will pop up […]

5 Things The Most Successful Funeral Homes Do To Be Great (Part One)

The funeral profession is a competitive business. You’re constantly competing with other local funeral homes for your families’ business, you’re competing with the market to bring your families value in an affordable way, and you’re competing with the ever-changing wants and needs of today’s families, which can can ultimately decide the future of the funeral […]