11 Funeral Personalization Ideas Your Families Will Be Asking For All Summer

The long days and warm nights of summer always seem to bring about a celebratory feel, no matter what age or stage of life you’re in. As children, summer is synonymous with vacation and signifies months of freedom. As adults, we don’t experience that same freedom from obligations, but find ways to celebrate the time […]

How To Make The Longest Day Of Summer The Most Productive For Your Funeral Home

If you’re anything like most other funeral professionals, by 9am you probably already have a to-do list that’s a mile long, a dozen calls to make, and a couple hours of sleep you’d like to catch up on. Your never-ending cycle of “must-dos” can overshadow how much time you get to spend giving your business […]

4 Ways To Welcome Summer Into Your Funeral Home

Now that the Memorial Day Weekend festivities have officially come to a close and June is nearly upon us, that can only mean one thing — the summer season is practically here. Let’s face it… there is nothing quite like a beautiful summer day or a long, celebratory holiday weekend to bring light and cheerfulness […]