Winners Always Quit (And 6 Other Principles of Funeral Home Success)

Batesville Masters Club member Dave Shank was a Kansas funeral director for nearly two decades, so it comes as no surprise that he has distinct habits and principles that have guided him in his career. At ICCFA, Dave shared with us his favorite guiding principles of excellence, based on the book ‘Winners Always Quit’, by […]

Lead from the Front: 5 Healing Powers of Great Leaders

What makes a powerful leader? According to Colonel David Sutherland, it’s all about how you show up in the moments of chaos. And in the times we are facing now, with everything changing, sometimes it feels like nothing short of chaos. At ICCFA in Las Vegas, Sutherland inspired us with his stories of facing trauma […]

7 Easy Ways to Reignite Your Passion as a Funeral Director

I recently read a statistic that more than half of Americans feel disengaged in their jobs! This made me sad for that half of our population, and I wondered if it’s the same in the funeral profession. I know long hours and very little work life balance can be tough on the psyche, and can […]

Protecting Your Most Important Asset: 5 Ways to Prevent Burnout

Building resilience is the number one most challenging thing that funeral professionals have to deal with. And at ICCFA, we met an exceptional person who was on a mission to do something about it. Dr. Jason Troyer, author and founder of Mount Hope Grief Services,  developed Finding Resilience, a burnout prevention program designed specifically for […]