How to Humanize Your Funeral Firm with Social Media

As we’ve discussed in the past, you’re all familiar with the buzzwords social media. Some of you might even be social media junkies in your personal lives…but knowing how to use social media for your funeral firm is a whole other story!

First of all, it’s great if you’ve taken the initiative to start a Facebook page or a Twitter account for your funeral firm. However, it’s not enough to simply post the name and address of your business and expect to make an impact in the social networking community. You need to connect with your families, and the first step to doing that is to humanize your funeral firm through your social media efforts.

Tips for Humanizing Your Funeral Firm:

Let them know who you are: And I’m not just talking about who “you” are as a business, I mean let them know who “you” are as an individual. It’s no secret that someone at your funeral firm is going to be responsible for maintaining your social media accounts, so why not let your families know who that person is. Share random facts or information about each member of your staff and be sure to include photos! Your families will automatically feel more of a connection with you once they can put a name and a face with your funeral firm.

Interact with your families: Use social networking to engage your families in conversation, just as you might in person. Be there to answer any questions they may have or offer friendly advice and words of wisdom. However, it’s important to be snappy in your response time. Remember, social media is 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week kind of commitment. Tending to your social networking sites needs to become a part of your daily routine.

Become a trusted resource: Although it’s great to position yourself as an expert in your community, you can expand your topics of discussion beyond funerals. Remember, your families want to know the human behind your funeral firm. Post articles or share links to local news stories or other topics of community interest. Do you support a local charity? Is the annual pancake breakfast coming up? Maybe there’s a great street to view Christmas light displays in your area. Pay attention to the topics your families show the most interest in, and tailor your content around those interests, whether it relates to your firm or not. By providing your families with information they find relevant, they’ll begin to look to you as a trusted resource.

Do you have any other suggestions for using social media to connect with your families? As always, I’d love to hear from you! Leave your comments or questions below!


Kelly Murad


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