A Special Holiday Message From the funeralOne Team
December 24th, 2013
This holiday season, it was the funeralOne team’s mission to “pay it forward” to those in need. That’s why we partnered with Adopt-a-Family to bring an amazing Christmas to more than two dozen people this holiday season.
It was such a life changing experience for me, I wanted to take the time and show all of the people in my life how thankful I am for all of the love and support our amazing customers, partners and friends have given the funeralOne team this year.
If you’re reading this, chances are you’re close to the funeralOne family in some way. Maybe you’re one of our amazing clients, maybe you’ve read our blog, liked us on Facebook, or maybe you’re one of our greatest friends.
Whoever you are, I want to take this opportunity to say thank you for helping us make 2013 the best year in the history of funeralOne.
In 2001, I founded funeralOne with one mission in mind: to help people celebrate life. 12 years and 100+ employees later, our products touch over 20 million people every month – and we’re still growing like crazy.
Looking back on all of it, I’ve realized one thing: I wouldn’t be here to experience all the ups and downs, challenges and triumphs if it weren’t for you.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you for supporting us, for helping us get where we are, and most of all… for believing in us. You’re the reason why I get out of bed every morning. You’re the reason that I do what I do.
So from the funeralOne family to yours, may your holidays be filled with love, cheer and happiness.
Here’s to your success,
Joe and the funeralOne team
Thank you from Bongarzone Funeral Home, we appreciate all you do for us. Happy Holidays.