The 24 Master Moves of Remarkable Funeral Homes


Most of you are highly experienced funeral professionals—coming from a long-line of funeral home owners, directors and embalmers—operating a funeral home that has been passed down from generation-to-generation. But what separates your funeral home from your competitors? And how can you transition your funeral home from being good, to being remarkable?

I’ve compiled a list of what I believe to be the 24 master moves of today’s most remarkable funeral homes. Read through them, share them with your staff and put them into practice!

24 Master Moves of Remarkable Funeral Homes:

1. They understand that their families are changing, and are no longer as brand-loyal as they were in the past.

2. They hold themselves to the highest ethical standards.

3. They believe the changes they are most frightened of, often lead to their greatest achievements.

4. They are “Apple-like” in their willingness to think differently and ensure their services make a lasting impression on their families and the community.

5. They get that there are lessons to be learned from failure.

6. They live by the mantra: “How can I best serve my families?”

7. They listen more than they speak. And they deliver more than they promise.

8. They obsess around creating value for their families therefore increasing their bottom line.

9. They spend their lives working toward a cause larger than themselves. And – in this way – have a great impact on the lives of their families and the community.

10. They put the needs of their families above their own.

11. They believe in offering valuable services that create transformational healing experiences and facilitate connections.

12. They challenge the way their grandfather ran the funeral firm in the past, for the sake of succeeding in the future.

13. They know that if they don’t embrace technology and innovation, their competitors will.

14. They understand that sometimes they have to step outside of their comfort zone to meet the needs of their less traditional families.

15. They know that the greatest gift they can give their families is the gift of their undivided attention.

16. They get that the #1 way to grow their business is one family at a time.

17. They perceive connections with their community as a main focus.

18. They have learned that few things feel better than the pride they feel when they’ve successfully carried out the wishes of a family.

19. They know that good enough just isn’t good enough for a family suffering the loss of a loved one.

20. They have discovered that extra hard work is the key to success.

21. They focus on coming up with ways to increase value, without increasing cost.

22. They understand there are numerous types of cost sensitive families, and they each need to be addressed individually.

23. They stick to their convictions – especially in the face of criticism.

24. They use their time wisely, accomplishing more in 8 hours than most people accomplish in a months’ worth of work.

So, what do you think? Which of these 24 master moves do you already do at your funeral home? Which of them do you plan to put into practice? Do you have any other remarkable best practices you’d like to share? Please comment below! 🙂

Joe Joachim


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  1. Undertakerhobbs

    All right! This is my business model I served many of the same families 2-9 times. We made arrangements at their table, served families on their te their way, where ever. What you described was my business model.

  2. Anonymous

     Serving the same families 2-9 times…that’s definitely something to be proud of!

  3. Kennethhowe

    Very well stated!

  4. Anonymous

     Thanks! Any ones in particular hit home?

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