USA Today – Webcasting with funeralOne is “Almost Foolproof”
February 24th, 2009
Just as I was writing my latest blog post (an update on the worldwide press exposure “Schoedinger Funeral Homes” received), it was brought to my attention that yet another one of our clients was featured in several national and local news stations including USA Today. This is remarkable.
It’s nearly everyday we hear about another success story. I can’t even express how happy we at funeralOne are to be part of our clients success! And let me tell you, I’m obsessed with building success for our clients.
Today’s success story is about the Wakeman Funeral Home. Brothers Rodney and Brian Wakeman state that webcasting with funeralOne’s Life Tributes software is “almost foolproof” and streamlines the process of uploading and viewing webcasts. In one case, they even talked about helping a U.S. soldier pay his final respects to his grandfather all the way from Iraq.
See for yourself what the Wakeman brothers are saying about funeral webcasting with funeralOne. Here’s just a few of the featured articles:
Michigan Local News
Chicago Tribune,0,467035.story
USA Today
Great story, way to go Rodney and Brian!