How Your Fear of Change Could Limit Your Success in 2012
December 6th, 2011As the New Year approaches, I bet you’re starting to analyze 2011. What you did right, what you did wrong, and what you’re going to change in 2012.
And if I had to guess…most of you will make a list of resolutions, personal and professional, and put a new funeral website at the top of your professional list. But in the end, your fear of change will hold you back from the success that’s possible.
But trust me, if you don’t make it your mission to upgrade to a new funeral website in 2012, you’re limiting your firm’s potential for success by not adapting to meet the needs of your families. Unfortunately, we both know that I can sit here and tell you that over and over again, but you’re not going to take my word for it…
Well lucky for you, you don’t have to!
This is just one of the many success stories we hear from your fellow funeral professionals, who were once just as fearful and concerned about change as you are now.
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