Shop Local: 3 Ways Funeral Homes Support The Local Community

Small town communities are making a comeback. For the last decade, the local-made, hometown shop owner has been struggling to keep up with the eCommerce giants of the world who enticed shoppers with things like two-day shipping and bottom-dollar prices. (We’re looking at you, Amazon and But it seems as though the cracks in […]

Why Family Trees and Funeral Homes Go Hand In Hand

Funerals are all about celebrating personal relationships and memories. At the viewing, families share photos and videos of their loved one surrounded by friends and family. At the service, they reminisce over stories and anecdotes of their loved one’s happiest moments. All the while, building stronger connections — both with the people in the room, […]

How John McQueen Turned Funerals Into A Lifelong Passion (And Success)

Earlier this month, the funeralOne team was down in Nashville, Tennessee for the annual International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association (ICCFA) conference! Not only is ICCFA one of our favorite events of the year because we get to meet with amazing funeral professionals from all over the world, but it also brings together some of […]

Guest Post: When Will The Funeral Profession Go The Way Of Uber and Airbnb?

“In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” – Benjamin Franklin Well, Ben, I am uncertain about that these days! While death and taxes are here to stay, how we deal with those two certainties certainly has changed. No longer does it seem strange or uncomfortable to ditch the […]

4 Skills That Will Make You A Better Funeral Professional In 2017

Last month, we got the chance to catch up with some of the most innovative funeral professionals in the industry and chat about the many ways in which they are altering families’ views about what it means to have a funeral. For some professionals, the focus was on presenting fresh, new service options that centered […]

The One Place Where Your Funeral Home’s Dropping The Ball

No business professional enjoys having to sell someone on the value of what they do. In an ideal world, all of the families in our community would fully understand the healing power that a funeral service can bring during a time of loss. They would be running to us, excited for the possibility to celebrate […]

How To Provide Value To Every Family Walking Into Your Funeral Home

When it comes to finding business success, there are all kinds of workshops, classes, blogs or seminars out there that promise to hold the secrets to prosperity. Some experts might swear by a closely guarded sales pitch, or a recipe of tried and true marketing tactics that bring in new customers. But the truth is, […]

4 Sure-Fire Ways To Blow Away Your Funeral Home’s Competition

Sometimes it might feel like it’s impossible to stand out from the competition in the funeral profession. Maybe you’ve come to the conclusion that your families are just price shoppers. Or maybe you just think families in your community are always going to chose the funeral home they’ve always gone to, which may or may […]

The Business of Doing Business, According To The Funeral Commander

This article is going to be different from the typical posts you will find here. I’m not going to discuss how to attract baby boomers, create a more meaningful funeral, why you should serve cucumber water at visitations, create memorial videos reminiscent of the Harry Potter series, or the trials and tribulations of the funeral […]

How 4 Funeral Home Websites Went Viral (& You Can Too!)

The internet can be a strange place sometimes… sure, there is a wealth of awesome information out there on the web that helps us live better, work better, and serve our families better (hopefully our blog is one of those information sources for you!) But every once in awhile, a unique story will pop up […]