5 Death Influencers (Of All Ages) You Should Know About

I love Death Influencers because they’re changing the game for the funeral profession in a big way. If you’re reading this and thinking to yourself: “What the heck is a ‘death influencer?’” then let me explain. A Death Influencer is someone who has a large online following on one or more social media platforms, who […]

7 Social Media Insights For Your Funeral Home’s Success

As we’re closing out the middle of the year, it’s always time for a good check-in on how your funeral business is handling your social media marketing. It’s good to do an evaluation and find out how to start strategizing for next year as you continue to learn what works best for your unique audience, […]

How to Turn Website Visitors Into Loyal Client Families

So, you’ve got a funeral home website.  But is that enough? Short answer: no, it’s not. If your funeral home website is simply a static part of your business, rather than a function of your business actively turning visitors into loyal client families, this blog is for you. It’s true that a website is a […]

6 Event Ideas To Better Engage Your Funeral Home’s Community

When it comes to hosting events at your funeral home, it’s important not to fall into the trap of what has “always been done before”. Sure, a food drive or Christmas ornament event is beautiful and for some funeral homes, these are staple events in the community.  But for many funeral homes, we are in […]

5 Time Management Tips For The Busy Funeral Director

So, you’re a busy funeral professional with seemingly no time. Or… do you really have no time?  Is it possible that you could, in fact, have more time for yourself, your family, your friends by getting smarter with your time management? If you want that reality, it’s yours.  You might be smirking at me as […]

11 Reasons Becoming A Funeral Pro Is The Best Thing You’ll Ever Do

Becoming a funeral professional never used to be a choice. In fact, in most cases, it was a duty to your family’s lineage. Most funeral homes were multi-generational and family based. Now, things have changed. People are actively choosing the funeral profession as their dream job. If you’re reading this, maybe you’re either in a […]

These 7 Experts Share How To Grow Your Funeral Business with YouTube

You’ve probably heard it before… YouTube is one of the most effective ways to grow your business, your reach, and your funeral home’s brand. Take Order of the Good Death, who started the series “Ask A Mortician” 10 years ago. She posted Episode One a decade ago (below)…  … and now she has nearly 2 […]

A Social Media Marketing Checklist for Funeral Pros

Getting started on social media at your funeral home is easier than you think. It might seem overwhelming at first, but if you take it one step at a time, we guarantee the overwhelm will disappear. That’s why we created a checklist for you. To take it ONE step at a time. Let’s not waste […]

Unique (And Free) Ways To Advertise Your Funeral Biz

Advertising your funeral home, it turns out, is not our reader’s favorite pastime 🤓. In fact, it’s far from it.  Most funeral pros feel completely clueless around funeral home advertising and marketing.  So much so, that they don’t even bother with it. Thankfully, advertising your funeral home doesn’t have to involve a huge budget, expertise, […]

Service Mistakes To Avoid With Your Client Families

It’s time to make a bold statement: Customer service is the #1 most important aspect of any business.  And the funeral profession is no exception. We see customer service as an art.  Something that takes years to perfect and incorporate into your entire funeral business.  And whether you’ve been in business for generations or for […]