A Tour Of 5 Of The Most Beautiful Funeral Homes & Cemeteries In the USA

Once upon a time, a funeral parlor was your living room. That was just 150 years ago. Now, funeral homes range from extensive, state-of-the-art facilities to stunningly beautiful parks to memorial temples. We’ve worked with thousands of funeral homes over the last 20 years and these are the 5 most beautiful funeral homes we’ve ever […]

Are Baby Boomers Really Changing The Funeral Profession Forever?

The US Census tells us that by 2030, all Baby Boomers will be 65 or older. This means two things… One is that Boomers will want to be making decisions about their end-of-life wishes sooner than later. Two is that many of them will be planning and assisting with the passing of their family members, […]

Do You Have These 5 Key Elements On Your Funeral Home Website?

When it comes to your funeral home website, it can be seen in two different ways. Some see their funeral home website as a “function” of the funeral home. Like flowers on the table, or decor in the home. Others see their funeral home website as a “service” element of their funeral home. We tend […]

4 Epic Tools To Share (And Plan) Your End-of-Life Wishes

End-of-life wishes are never an easy conversation to navigate. However there are so many new tools, platforms and even card games (yes you read that right, keep reading to see what we mean) designed to make these conversations easier and more effective. We know striking up conversations on last wishes come with their own set […]

8 Funeral Personalization Tools Your Families Are Asking For

Personalized funeral services or celebrations of life are quickly becoming the biggest trend in funeral service.  And… they have been for about 10 years now. Unless you’ve been hiding in a cave you should know this by now! It’s so known, in fact, that 71% of families don’t want a traditional funeral, according to one […]

15 Facts About The Pet Loss Industry You Need To Know In 2022

Pet loss is an industry that deserves all deathcare workers’ attention. Why? You might ask. Not only is it an opportunity for creating another stream of revenue for your funeral business, but there’s more to the story. It seems that the opportunities to support families through the grieving of their pets is a largely untapped […]

How to Grow Your Funeral Home’s Social Media Following

Everyone talks about getting your funeral home online. But when it comes to BUILDING your online audience, that’s a whole other story. Many funeral homes struggle to build and engage their audience on their social media.  We’re here to tell you that it’s totally possible to have a large, engaged following on your social media […]

3 Unexpected Opportunities For Creating Personalization In Funeral Service

When it comes to personalizing funerals, images, tribute videos, bookmarks, or maybe a balloon release might come to mind. However, the truth is that there are many ways to personalize a funeral that go beyond services or outward appearances. For me, a personalized funeral doesn’t look any certain kind of way.  A personalized funeral is […]

4 Grief Wellness Trends To Consider Tapping Into In 2022

Grief wellness. A concept that might seem foreign to you. While you’re scratching your head trying to work out what exactly that means, this industry is booming like none other. While Death Doulas and Soul Midwives, also newer concepts, prepare one for death… grief coaches and AI technology help the bereaved face loss with plenty […]

5 Important Questions To Ask Before Making Any Major Business Decision At Your Funeral Home

Making decisions isn’t always easy, especially when it comes to major business decisions for your funeral home. I look around and see many businesses that are leading the way making decisions based on all the wrong reasons such short term profit, stakeholder’s desires and simple greed. Since many of the big businesses out there aren’t […]